Monday, November 10, 2008

Billy Goat Trail

Saturday I decided that since the weather was so wonderful , we were going to do something outside. My kids did not want to go but I made them anyway. We went hiking at Great Falls. The trees are beautiful but starting to fade and drop many, many leaves.
Well, we turned onto the first trail we saw without reading the info. The beginning was not too bad but then it got real rocky. The kids LOVED it and were jumping from rock to rock which made my heart skip a few beats. In this pic you can see M jumping.

After we returned and read the flyer, we realized it read "Strenuous. It is a very physically demanding trail. Scrambling over angled rocks, boulders and climbing are required." Good thing we didn't read it first. No wonder people passing us would say "Your kids are doing a great job." The kids would go back today if we let them. It will take R and I a few days to recover!

Looking down onto the Potomac .

We were having a contest to see whom could find the largest leaf. I won! That is my leaf the kids are holding. Looks like we have more hiking in our future.

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