Sunday, March 30, 2008

Let's go fly a kite

This weekend we attended a Kite Festival at Gunston Hall, the home of George Mason. A friend talked me into going and I am so glad because we all had a great time. I know some of you, like me, are curious as to whom George Mason was. He was a neighbor to George Washington and was active in the American Revolution (how I'm not sure -google that part yourself) and wrote the Virginia Declaration of Independence. I'm reading all this from a flyer as we did not tour the actual home. You'll have to come and visit and tour it yourselves. Anyway, it included lots more than just kite flying. There were lots of volunteers dressed Colonial attire and they stayed in character when you spoke to them. M flying a kite. A also flew one and so did I. It was lots of exercise because there wasn't much wind so we had to run the entire time to keep the kite in the air. Thanks to my friend we have pictures because I went off and left my camera at home. This would not have been as cute without the pictures.
We saw a puppet show from that time period and boy was it different from entertainment we have today! The kids all sat and watched it and loved the part where the man got spit on (acting out the water spraying in the ocean). They all yelled "encore" as they had been instructed to do when they wanted a part repeated. The "best" part was that they saw the man play a wooden whistle and loved it. SO we went directly to the gift shop where each kid got their own. Six whistles get really loud even outside! But they sure did (and still are) having fun with them. M can play "Yankee Doodle" on hers so get ready for that to be added to the show for anyone that visits. R even got to hear it over the phone. So I'm sure she'll take more phone requests too.
Me trying to help A weave his piece of the basket. M did a piece on another basket.
A hard at work writing with a quill pen (in the schoolhouse). M wrote her name too but didn't look as serious. I think he is going to be quite the student next yr in Kindergarten.
Wow! This is how they washed their sheets. A couldn't even turn the sheet because it was so tough to do. I asked if they did them very often and the lady said "No, they had a different idea of clean". I think I must have some of that generation left in me.

The kids also rolled and ran down a big hill. They love the simple things! I had some other pics but me and my advanced computer skills could not figure out how to do more than 5 so that will end this post.

Well, except I have left out the Bathroom Reader quotes lately so I am back on track. These both come from the Presidency ed.
George Washington weighed 200 pounds and wore size 13 shoes.
The Easter Egg Roll, held on Easter Monday, has been a White House tradition since 1878. (Didn't make it this year, maybe next. That would make an exciting post but didn't feel like waiting in line 24 plus hours and overnight by myself with 2 kids. Glad the kids didn't know The Jonas Brothers were playing the event this yr).

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Hope everyone had a happy Easter! We had a busy week with it being spring break. During the week we had time to dye eggs. Don't seem to know where that pic went exactly but they we used a tye-dye kit. My family is crazy for tye-dye still. Make Easter cookies. Hide and look for many, many eggs. There are still probably some "hiding" in our house. The kids decided they wanted to do the Sat evening church service since they serve pizza afterwards and I didn't mind since it would be less crowded then Sun am. We started our morning off with bunny head pancakes followed by some soccer in the front yard and then a great afternoon/dinner at a friend's house. This was our picture after church. Hard for me to get motivated to buy cute Easter outfits when we still have to wear long sleeves and jackets. The stores don't even sell cute long sleeve outfits for the season. Therefore, we opted to wear outfits we already had.
A's cookies he decorated all on his own. Sprinkles are a necessary item on any cookie he makes!
M's cookies she designed on her own. They still have the sprinkles but in fewer amounts. I think she does a better job than me when coming up with how to decorate them.

I am glad to get back to our normal schedule this week. The kids are glad to be heading back to school. M starts soccer this week and A the next. Soccer should add some excitement to our "normal" schedule. I'm getting lots of practice in the front yard too. Them against me! Hoping I can stay on top.

Monday, March 17, 2008

When Irish Eyes are Smiling

Okay, her hair is not green, it was just the setting on the camera.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! We added a new tradition this year. M has become a "google" master and found out how to make a leprechaun trap. The kids were very excited about maybe catching a leprechaun and M made this picture inside a box to try to trick him into coming in our house to get the gold. She did the whole thing herself.

Here are the boxes aka traps. That pic was this morning but last night they were propped up with a stick and had Lucky Charms cereal in a bowl under them. What else would one leave to catch a leprechaun? Did it work? Well, M wanted to tell you in her own words so this is what she typed in word and I've transferred it here.
"A Leprechaun just left our house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He or she left some type of shoe for A and flip flops for me M! He or she left GOLD!!!"

Okay, I'm not the best at this computer stuff. M had it in several colors and the word gold was in large print. But you get the point. He even left the kids a note. Better luck next year kids!

We skipped any special green food today and just wore green clothes. Just earlier this month we had green eggs and green toast to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday. One day of not normal green food per month is about all I can do. We did however all eat Lucky Charms for breakfast so that should could for something. Hope you all had a great day!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Two of a Kind

Well at least from the back they look the same. I shall call them R and mini-R.

A got his hair cut today and asked "does the back of my head looks like Daddy's?" When I answered yes. He was very excited. This may be the last short haircut for him for awhile. He wants to grow it out over his eye like the Jonas Brothers. I talked him into one last haircut but said over the summer he could let it grow if he wants BUT before school starts in the fall, it has to be cut again.
Here is a front view. Too cute aren't they? He loves when R comes home so they can play nerf gun battle. I sometimes too get involved but M chooses to stay out of that game.

Not much is happening. R had his first big event at work that he ran and it was a success. It was an all day Sat thing so the kids and I missed him. Spent most of the weekend hanging out inside bacause the weather was cold again.

My camera can also do sepia tones. This is A giving Jacob the lion a ride. He was cute because he was talking to him and explaining what was going on during the ride and checking on him to make sure he was okay. A checks the weather channel and if the temp is over 40, he says lets go out and ride. A wee bit cold for me but I still go.
Here is M working on her homework after dance class. I have fewer pics of her lately (with the new camera) since she is at school most of the day. Her school had a Fun Fair on Friday night. I'm sure it is not called that for the parents. It consisted of of a hot dog dinner(I passed on that part), lots of games, working her classes booth with the help of both of my kids(R was at work), crowded hallways and standing in line to cash in your tokens for a "prize". We left with a hackey sack and a small blue sequin purse. M was excited that we won the bid for her to have breakfast with her teacher at McDonald's. Probably the most I have ever spent for breakfast at McD's. Her smile was all worth it! She has not gone yet but is looking forward to going soon.

Monday, March 3, 2008

It's so tiny

Our future lacrosse stars!

I am talking about my new camera. It just came in the mail this weekend. I wanted a smaller one that could fit into my pocket and would be easy to take places. Well, it is perfect. It is a Canon SD1000. They advertise it being smaller than a deck of cards. It is about 1/5 the size of our other camera. And just look what I have already learned to do. It has many fun settings I need to learn how to use. Our last camera might have those too but I got it when A was 6 months old, read the manual once and forgot most of the directions. Now, who knows were those directions have gone. I really just wanted a simple point and shot but seems like I have gotten so much more. Be on the lookout for my exciting new styles.

These are black and white with just one color showing. Cool! But I can't figure out how to make it any color besides green. Will be wonderful once all the trees start to turn green but hoping to be able to do other colors before long. If our Christmas cards end up being black and white with green you'll know I did not have success.

If anyone has this camera please feel free to give me advice on how to use it better. Plan on getting more practice since it is starting to warm up here. Not much going on here to report. We spent a lot of time outside the last few days since the weather has been improving. So nice not to be trapped in this house!