Soccer is in full swing and keeps us entertained on Saturdays. Both kids are loving it. They both scored a goal this weekend. No pic of that because I could stand there all day ready but never happen. Therefore, I sit and snap random shots during the game. M scored the first goal of the game and I missed it trying to fix my chair. Her age plays 4 on 4. She runs and plays so tough. She has really improved since last spring. She is in blue and number 19. She picked that number because it is her number in her class. They can pick any number they want. The whole team can be the same number if they want.

Here is A in action. His age plays 2 on 2. He is always laughing about things that happen on the field (that the other players do). He is number 11 on red. He picked this number because his good friend from OK was 11 years old. Not a day goes by that we don't here about the 11 yr old. It was a hot day but they both gave it there all. R told me I was embarrassing with all my cheering/yelling for the kids. That was at A's game so I tried to keep it down at M's game.

Here is what the other part of our weekend involved. Me hard at work.

M also hard at work. R mowed but the grass was damp and so we had clumps of cut grass and M would not rest til all the clumps were out of the yard. She must get the love of yard work form me. Where are those boys?

Oh, here they are goofing off in the garage. NO, he was not riding that bike and he did not fall. R and I were organizing the garage (trying to make space for the top of the Jeep) when we heard A ask "Is this called sideways riding?" Where does he get that stuff? Yes, you are correct- from R. I think we have another future class clown on our hands. He comes up with some funny things for a 4 yr old.

That was all Fri evening and Sat. Sunday involved lots of rain and almost 2 hours of kickball after the rain stopped. It was R and me versus the neighborhood kids. Wish you could have seen my skills! R wasn't too bad either. I'm sure you will see more soccer pics as it does not end til the end of May.
BRI: In Greek mythology, Nike is the goddess of victory.
Shortest verus in the Bible: John 11:35. ("Jesus wept.")
As always the kids look great. It's amazing though how heartwarming it is to see a pic of my dear friend!! Can't wait to see you all LIVE and in person.
Come do my yard... please !!!
The kids look like they are having fun.
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