Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fun with Grandma

My mom was here for several days last week. It was a short visit but we managed fit in lots. The first day she was here was A's real birthday so she got to be here for the family celebration. That same day she also got to see both kids do swim team practice and M do gymnastics. Here are the kids in their swim team suits. They are loving being part of the team. They know how to do freestyle, back stroke, breast stroke and now butterfly. They are currently trying to teach R all the strokes but it may take many lessons for him to catch up with them. Monday night the only meet we were going to be in town for was cancelled due to bad weather so maybe a meet next year. At their level, they participate in developmental meets in which you are swimming to beat your best time not the other swimmers. The older kids do the competitive meets in which the 2 teams are competing for points.
Friday night was M's dance recital. She did a jazz dance and looked so cute! Here is Grandma and M in her recital outfit. That morning we also had swim team then stayed at the pool 3 more hours! They just can't get enough of the water.
Sat we managed to get out to Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington. Here are the kids on the back lawn with the Potomac River behind them. Their favorite part was a man showing them how they cut down the wheat then he gave them some of the seeds to grow their own wheat at home. I'm hoping they will forget about us trying to grow our own. I am not known for my green thumb.
Here is a pic A took of himself. R was trying to get his pic in front of one of the big trees. A did manage to get a tree in the back ground. I think he might have a future in photography.
Last but not least, R made it home. Here is a pic from his last trip. He will get to travel with us to CA for vacation on Monday. We will be gone 2 weeks so more once we are back.

BRI facts
1. During the French and Indian War, four bullets ripped through George Washington's coat and two horses were shot out from under him.
2. Barbie (the doll) has a last name: Roberts. Ken's last name is Carson.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day! There may only be one but it is not a Jeep it is you R. Wishing you were home to celebrate the day. We'll have to celebrate on Wed. Hurry home!

Happy Father's Day to all the other dads out there too. Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Shiver Me Timbers!

Well I survived (barely) A's 5th birthday party. It was not the best idea to give 7 four and five year old boys plastic swords to play with inside. It was too hot to really be outside much. (M was not allowed to have recess that day based on the heat index). So for 2 hours we played inside. They always do things way faster than I plan. The treasure hunt to find the pirate gear was a big hit. So was my cake. I think it turned out pretty good. It is better than my attempt at Shrek last year. Some of the pirates that attended the party. Not too cooperative about getting all 7 in one picture.

The cake with the cannons (candles) lit. Look carefully at the back side. Yes, while on the treasure hunt our ship was attacked by another pirate ship. We are assuming anyway because they were already gone when we returned. I guess the rolos (gold) were too much weight and the ship gave way. The boys didn't seem to mind and it still tasted good. A thought it was an awesome party. Next year we might be somewhere besides home. We have had up to 14 girls for M's parties and never quite so crazy. Maybe it was because R wasn't there to help keep me calm. Whatever the case it is a good thing birthdays just come along once a year.
Didn't post last night because the power went out AGAIN. This time for just 3 hours but right at bedtime so it was tough getting to sleep without the power.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Calgon Take Me Away

What a week. Not even a a picture to go with this post. It all started on Wed when we had some bad weather which led to our power going out at 3pm. It was crazy trying to get M from school at 3:40. The storm had passed us about 3:30 but the schools were not releasing the kids unless a parent signed them out at that point. The school was a mad house with frantic parents and scared kids. Didn't get into bed that night til about 9. Our usual time is 8 and some of you that know me, know that bedtime is not a time I like. But with no night light and no music, falling asleep was tough. No power the next day either. Getting hot in the house and didn't want pantry food again for dinner so we stopped by Wendy's after soccer practice. We had to stand in line 25 minutes to get our food (guess all the non power people had the same idea). Slept in the basement that night. The power did return at 2:27 am Fri and with it came some loud peeps (not sure what it was still). Well, they woke me and A up and trying to get him back to sleep was a 2 hour process.

So YEAH, we have power. Boo, I forget to dress M in mismatched clothes for mismatch day. She had a big meltdown on the way to school. Plus, I have to go thru the fridge/freezer and throw away about $150 worth of questionable food. I had just done a commissary trip on Sun so lucky it was only that much. So Fri night I decide we should watch a movie and have some calm indoor time. We watch A's pick of Hook with Robin Williams. Bad decision again on my part. I didn't start the movie til 6:25 but hey most movies are about 90 minutes, right? WRONG! At 8:46 the movie ended (had to watch it all because the kids were kind-of scared and I wanted them to see the happy ending). So now for the 3rd night in a row, they are in bed at 9. About 10 minutes after they are in bed the thunder and lightening start. So yet another delay. Sat was already crazy schedule wise but dance practice ran 35 minutes late, getting us to church late, meaning no pizza left. The kids wanted to stay anyway. Therefore, at 8 pm we get home and finally have dinner and yes, once again in bed at 9.

Yeah, today they sleep til 0730. No problems all day long. I am determined to get them in bed by 8. I left the room at 7:58. But 5 minutes later A is downstairs saying he might throw-up. Did I not throw away enough food? Will we all start to puke? He goes into the bathroom and I look at the computer clock. It says 8:22- how did this happen? Oh yes, I set their clocks back 15 minutes when the power returned hoping they would sleep til it said 7 meaning really 7:15. Well, it never worked and I never set them on the right time so tonight when I thought I was doing so great, I was still 15 minutes late.

So here is to a better week. And to remembering to fix those darn clocks. I am doing A's birthday party on Tues. School ends on Fri so this week proves to be busy too. But at least I am running on full power. It is now 9 on the computer clock and A seems to be fine. I think just some allergy coughing. Hope to have some party pics up later this week.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

On the Road Again

The kids sitting in R's "bell box". I don't know where the name came from but that is what it is called. Basically it is a big hard silver suitcase that they fill with food to snack on while they travel. I'm not sure if the kids wanted the snacks or thought they might sneak away with dad.

He did leave yesterday after lunch and will return on 17 Jun. We were sad to see him leave so quickly (after just returning 58 hours earlier ) but he did end up making everyone happy by working some magic to be home for A's birthday, M's dance recital and able to go on our family vacation at the beginning of July. What a man! I think he is getting tired of packing suitcases also. I'm sure he will have plenty of time to relax on vacation. Ha ha! He'll do well to get any sleep with 4 kids ages 3-7 and 2 women who haven't seen each other in a year (we did a great job of non-ending conversations even when we did see each other daily). In fact, one of our kids once got in trouble for interrupting. When told they need to wait til we stop talking then ask their question, the child said but y'all never quit talking. I can't wait- fun friends and beautiful scenery.
The rest of us have been keeping busy while R is traveling. His is a picture of A with his best friend at pre-school. This was the end of the year picnic (Wild West theme). Don't see nearly as many cowboy hats here as we did in OK. A has this last week then he is finished until Kindergarten. Unfortunately, his friend will be attending a different school than A. He has met several kids from soccer that will be in his class so he is really looking forward to the fall.

Here is M all "bedazzled" thanks to Mawmaw. The best part is you can reuse them so there is no end in sight. M did my hair for a soccer game one day. You can imagine how jealous all the other moms were, especially those with only boys. Just remember not to let your child do their own hair before a soccer game because you have to remove them and that can take a few minutes. SO anyone looking for a new hair style/look head on over and M will hook you up for free. Be sure to book in advance because her schedule is filling up quickly (not with clients but with other activities). She has 2 more weeks of school then she'll be a 2ND grader.
This weekend continued our Sat of 2 soccer games and a birthday party. Next weekend we add a dance recital practice and a church event all without a second adult. I must be crazy! I always say that the weekends are the longest when R is out of town but no more because time flies when you are having fun! And how can cake every weekend not be fun?