I've been tagged by the A team with a meme. Don't ask me what a meme is because I have no idea. I'm just trying to fllow the rules.
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
Here goes!
1. I hate to get my haircut. It is never a fun experience for me and I always leave thinking this is not exactly what I wanted. It has been that way since I was a child. I can remember the first one I didn't like, I was 5. I am not fussy about having my hair in the right place. In fact, I like the not so perfect look better. I always decline on the hairspray after they have styled my hair.
2. I do not leave any beverage in the cup when I leave a restaurant. I make sure and drink it all even if I am not thirsty. Plus, if it is a fast food chain and I can refill it before leaving I do, again even if I am not thirtsy. I have been know to drink R's too but all too often he does not have something I like. He never refills his cup before we leave and that is difficult for me to handle.
3. If R is driving, when we get out of the car, I ask him if he has his keys. I'm not sure why because he always does. When I am driving I always double check to make sure I have my keys. I have not ever been locked out so not sure where that stems from.
4. I LOVE rollercoasters. Any and all. I hope my children develop the same love. If not, R will kindly volunteer to stay with one or the other on the sideline.
5. I am usually pretty easy going but I can get obsessive about some things. For example, when A got a cavity, our toothbrushing ritual changed. We now do pre-rinse, 3 minutes of brushing with a timer(1 min on top, 1 min on bottom and 1 min together), flouride and flossing every night. Yes, even on vacation! The timer goes everywhere.
6. I do not enjoy being late. I am usually early or on time. This even flows over to our bedtime rountine. The kids are to be done and in bed by 8pm. I get very tense if it is not going well if it looks like they will be a few minutes late.
7. I love finding things on sale. The bigger the sale the better. I love to come home and say "guess how much I paid for this?" I bet R might even think I buy just because it is on sale. Just because I'm not quite sure whom it is for, doesn't mean I don't have a great plan for it's future. These days you could be invited to a child's birthday without much notice and bam I ready.
I think that wraps up my 7 things. For the next part, I have no one to tag because the few people I do know who blog have already been tagged. If you are ready, you could just give me your answers on the comment page if you don't have a blog or better yet start one so I can tag you. Now you know the real me.
This was tough but not as tough as school being cancelled all day today. There was to be lots of ice but never really happened just rained. So instead of having almost 3 hours alone I had all day with multiple kids. I did manage to get all the towels washed that I used the day before to dry up our basement after the hose dissconnected from our washing machine. We had lots of water on the floor. Then today while vacuuming the basement, a fuse popped. Therefore, I decided between the water and the fuse, someone was giving me a sign that I should not be cleaning (which I don't like to do but couldn't list that on my 7 because most of you already know that). On a positive note, R went to the commissary on his way home and saved me a trip tomorrow. What a nice guy (but he still thinks I should clean).
BRI: The ears of an African elephant can weigh up to 110 lbs each.
Have a great weekend.